Aperçu de la demande d’action collective 500-06-001089-206

Impression de l'aperçu de la demande d'action collective

Étape de la demande :

Autorisation - Demande d’autorisation pour exercer l’action collective à la Cour supérieure

Palais de justice :


Date de dépôt de la demande d'autorisation :


No de dossier :


Sujet :

Environnement, Énergie; Fraude; Responsabilité civile; Santé, Produits pharmaceutiques et médicaux

Cette affaire concerne :

Environment, in particular damages caused to property and persons by numerous flooding events Health including mold, pain suffering and inconvenience. Property damage, including loss of insurance overage, exorbitant premiums and mold. Rights of elderly and infirm

Nom des parties :

Pascal Monaco et als. vs. Michel Bissonet, St. Leonard and City of Montreal

Description du groupe qui intente l'action :

Class members seek compensation for continuing flooding damage to property, property and health damages caused by mold, compensation for pain, suffering and inconvenience, solicitor client fees and interest contempt of Court, Charter and punitive damages to the elderly and infirm. On March 18, 1982 the City of St Leonard was ordered to remediate flooding problems and neglected to do so. St. Leonard tenants and owners since that date are entitled to damage to property, loss of enjoyment of property and compensation for health damages resulting from mold, stress, pain and suffering and inconvenience. Injunctive relief is sought requiring the City to take all actions necessary to cease the flooding and remediate all mold at their expense. In particular Charter damages are sought for the old and infirm as they are particularly affected and represent the vast majority of class members in this proceedings.

Description du sous-groupe 1 :

Owners August 10, 2017 forward Tenants August 10, 2017 forward Owners 1982 to August 9 2017 Tenants 1982 to August 9 2017

Documents et actes de procédure :

Document Date du document
Demande d’autorisation d’exercer une action collective 2020-08-10
Sur demandes de preuve appropriée, de modification et d'autorisation d'exercer une action collective 2023-04-18

Avocats de la partie demanderesse :

Nom Courriel Téléphone Adresse Nom du cabinet Site web
O'Brien, Charles [email protected] 514 484-0045 1233 Island, Montreal, Québec, Canada , H3K 2N2 Lorax Litigation

Avocats de la partie défenderesse :

Nom Courriel Téléphone Adresse Nom du cabinet
Richer Lebeuf, Charlotte [email protected] 514 872-6861 775, rue Gosford, Montréal, Québec, Canada , H2Y 3B9 Gagnier Guay Biron
Bruyère, Chantal [email protected] 514 872-6881 775, rue Gosford, Montréal, Québec, Canada , H2Y 3B9 Gagnier Guay Biron

Étape de la demande

1 - Autorisation - Demande d’autorisation pour exercer l’action collective à la Cour supérieure

Palais de justice


Date de dépôt de la demande d'autorisation


No de dossier



Environnement, Énergie; Fraude; Responsabilité civile; Santé, Produits pharmaceutiques et médicaux

Cette affaire concerne

Environment, in particular damages caused to property and persons by numerous flooding events Health including mold, pain suffering and inconvenience. Property damage, including loss of insurance overage, exorbitant premiums and mold. Rights of elderly and infirm

Nom des parties

Pascal Monaco et als. vs. Michel Bissonet, St. Leonard and City of Montreal

Class members seek compensation for continuing flooding damage to property, property and health damages caused by mold, compensation for pain, suffering and inconvenience, solicitor client fees and interest contempt of Court, Charter and punitive damages to the elderly and infirm. On March 18, 1982 the City of St Leonard was ordered to remediate flooding problems and neglected to do so. St. Leonard tenants and owners since that date are entitled to damage to property, loss of enjoyment of property and compensation for health damages resulting from mold, stress, pain and suffering and inconvenience. Injunctive relief is sought requiring the City to take all actions necessary to cease the flooding and remediate all mold at their expense. In particular Charter damages are sought for the old and infirm as they are particularly affected and represent the vast majority of class members in this proceedings.